Design a brand identity and visual language for Zimbabwean fuel station and energy company Zuva, meaning 'The Sun', and its C-store. Although it would launch as a fuel station it would later be involved in more diverse energy sources. The brand was required to stand out in the landscape and feel energetic.

‘Energy’ and ‘Sun’ are natural playmates, so we set along a path of amplifying both these aspects to create a striking visual identity. The faceted sun was inspired by the way the sun is vibrantly reflected inside a diamond. These energetic shards of light created a dynamic graphic language.
We named the c-store Dash to play on the energy idea. The identity contrasted in colour (with the use of pale blue) but retained the use of the circle device. This allowed the brand to live alongside the main energy brand in a number of configurations.

The 'faceted sun' graphic language added dynamism to a range of applications from t-shirts to advertising boards and inspired a number of 3D forms on the forecourt.